Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I'm back

What can I say? Excessively delayed post? You bet! Did I mysteriously dissappear for a few months? But of course! Do I have an interesting story about government oppression and an army of robot werewolf spies standing between me and this blog? No... not really...

What happened? In a word, life. My job got stupidly busy (with ridiculous hours) and I've been too drained to commit time to my computer (like it's been a $2400 paper weight over the past few months)

Now, that being said, to those that still bother... I'm back.

Not really *too* much to touch on tonight however (and I have work in the morning... on my one day off in eleven days... yeah... that's right... called in on my one day off... I hate my job)

I'ma spread the word that I'm still alive, hope to see you all again,