Sunday, October 28, 2007

STR's Legal Team

Hot damn! I brought a hurricane upon myself folks... Gonna have to leave the STR thing alone, apparently they don't much care for some publicity from yours truly. Essentially it was... advised that I stop posting about STR. I'm thinking it's best if I co-operate.

My site is *not* going down however, but it's become more a place for the random ramblings of yours truly... so feel free to never visit again I s'pose lol.

Take it easy all,


Anonymous said...

Shit, I thought their legal team was just a bluff.

Wraith said...

Yeah, so did I

Lance Johnson said...

So what exactly happened? What did they claim you were doing?

Wraith said...

Wasn't much detail given, slander and what have you... I *could* fight it I s'pose, but it's more trouble than it's worth. I'm keeping my blog up fo' sho' but I'll have to keep the STR bashing to STR, bleh, oh well.

Tristan Shuddery said...

Their legal team are fearsome.

I should know. I employed them in the first place!

Tristan Shuddery said...

Although God knows I regret it now.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, so the legal team was real??? Anyhow, nice to have your support Tristan.