Monday, November 19, 2007

The Media

Anybody notice that lately the Media talks about one of two things; Horrible Disaster, Celebrity Gossip. I mean there's nothin' better than waking up, grabbing my morning coffee, and hearing a lovely story about how six children and twelve puppies were brutally killed in a freak accident in another country today. Don't misunderstand, I think it's epically tragic, and that's why it bothers me.

It seems there's no better way to launch yourself into a deep depression these days than watching the news. Then to lighten the mood a bit they talk about how some celebrity made a total ass of themselves in public, or, my favourite, how some celebrity is absolutely DEVASTATED because they're going to have to go to jail for all of two weeks because they broke the law. From there, why is it that there's always a group of people that honestly believe that despite this celebrity's ridiculous behaviour they've done nothing wrong?

People screaming that it's unfair that Martha Stewart or Paris Hilton have to go to jail... If they *weren't* big name celebrities these people would likely scoff and say that the punishment is too weak. Seriously, Paris got 45 days in jail (lessened to 23, and she served 5) for drunk driving! Know what my cousin got? He lost his license! It's blatantly unfair.

Why do celebrities receive so much blatant special treatment? I mean I can understand being a fan of a celebrity, I for one like Clint Eastwood, but that doesn't mean I think Clint Eastwood is anything more than another human being doing a job. Wouldn't it be nice if people were giving me free cars, or cellphones, or clothing or any such just for sitting here typing out yet another rant to be read by all of five people? (Who I appreciate reading my rantings ^^)

I know my rant today seems more hollow and less world changing... but I haven't completed my perfect government idea yet (so I'm still working on it) and I haven't been able to watch the news much lately.

So I guess, to summarize my point; I think the news *really* needs to show more happy stories, and I think we *really* need to keep in mind that celebrities are still just people like you and I. If we were to go drunk driving, they'd want to lock us up and throw away the key.

I plan to write a better article when I'm more inspired,

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