Sunday, November 11, 2007

Remembrance Day

I hope everybody took a minute of silence today to reflect on the lives lost in the name of freedom. Remembrance Day has always been a pretty important day for my family and I as my brother has served in Afghanistan. The world is in turmoil these days, the Middle East has become a hotbed of hatred, and nobody wants anybody else to meddle. The media is pushing fear, and world leaders don't seem to have the foggiest what to do about the war.

With everybody so focused on a war that we shouldn't be fighting I'd like to remind you all of this; Remembrance Day is about the soldiers that gave their lives for freedom, and not the war mongers demanding blood for money, or land, or oil. It's so easy to say you don't support the war and then forget about the soldiers who want the war about as much as you do but are actually over there fighting it. A lot of people tie supporting the troops to supporting the war, but you don't have to.

I am entirely against the war, I think Canada was pressured to go to Afghanistan but we held good intentions. What everybody missed was that Canada was on a peace keeping mission, we acted mainly as police officers, *until* the Taliban started using IED's to attack, and kill, our soldiers. The media focuses on the war in Iraq and so it's easy to miss what the Canadian troops are doing, and what the Canadian soldiers are going through, but Canada did not go to Afghanistan on the offensive.

I think, as soon as things turned hostile, Canada should have pulled out and left Afghanistan to it's own devices. It's too late for that though, we are commited, and our brave soldiers have to march into Hell whether they want to or not... is it not the least you can do to back them? To support them? It's easy to say you don't support them when you're not there, many of them have families to feed, and all of them are obligated to be there. It's not a matter of choice for our soldiers.

So please, take a moment of silence and reflect on all those that gave their lives so you can freely say that you disagree with war,


Anonymous said...

Wraith, I just wanted to leave a comment on your blog, matbe check it out.
Its capture everything in my thoughts exactly, way to go.

Wraith said...

Thanks! I appreciate the positive feedback. I post new articles every so often so feel free to check back whenevs. Oh, and anybody that's interested can look me up on msn. (it's in my profile too... I think) I'll always up for a discussion or debate about anything and everything.
