Monday, November 19, 2007

T3H 5UP3R 0S!

Heh... mind the 1337 title, it just felt appropriate. So here's the skivvies of my plan:

1) Download XP Black; it's a *cough* pirate *cough* modified XP that has been overhauled to run smoother and more stable. It also comes with a plethora of programmes that I want/need built into the OS itself.

2) Download Windows Blinds; Windows Blinds is required for step 3.

3) Download an XP-Vista Clone; This programme, working through Windows Blinds, changes your XP to an exact lookalike of Vista, with many of Vista's features.

If it all works when everything is said and done I'll have an OS that looks like Vista, and has many of Vista's features *but* runs with greater stability than XP *without* Vista's many quirks and hardware recognition issues. So folks, by mashing these two together I will hopefully have what Microsoft *should* have made.

I'm still downloading XP Black, it should be done in 3-5 days, when it is I'll be trying my scheme on a spare hard drive I have kicking around. If it all works I'll be posting links on where to get the programmes you'll need if you wanna mash your own 5UP3R 0S.



Anonymous said...

Just so you know:

Having downloaded this to see what all the fuss is about I can categorically state there are at least 3 Trojan/Worms embedded in the iso on BitTorrent. That’s from two different torrents as well. Kinda confirms what most folk are saying here about being able to “trust” the installation.

Take it with a grain of salt if you want, but be careful.

You're probably asking for trouble with this hackware.

Wraith said...

I'm installing this all to a spare HDD (so I won't be risking my good one), and my computer is thick with anti-spyware, anti-virus, and the like. One main programme I'm running is Avast, which is actually twitchy (it's so sensitive it sets off false alarms) so I should be good to go. You also have to shrug off a lot of that because a lot of times people complain about, in the comments, viruses that aren't there.

I *will* be fully scanning my computer before and after install, and I appreciate your concern ^^.

Wraith said...

I did some more looking into it, from the link you sent my way (I appreciate it)

" Rather than wasting a disc (as it’s merely a curiosity) I mounted it as a virtual disc via SlySoft’s VirtualCloneDisc and launched a full virus scan on the (virtual) disc as a whole.

2 incidents were reported. Both named “TROJ_Generic”. Since they haven’t given it a family name, or any specific notation of what type of “TROJ” it might be, it leads one to look a little further before dismissing it as a “certified virus.

Occurrance 1: V:\$OEM$\$Docs\All Users\Desktop\KEYGENS FOR PROGRAMS\UltraISO\KeyGen\keygen.exe

Occurrance 2: V:\$OEM$\$Docs\All Users\Desktop\KEYGENS FOR PROGRAMS\UltraISO\keygen.exe"

There's your problem, the 'viruses' are keygens... I can't remember how it worked exactly but it's not uncommon for virus scanners to detect keygens as low level viruses because of the nature of the programmes.

Once again, I appreciate your concern ^^