Saturday, November 10, 2007

Politically Correct

Hey all, what's new?

So this kinda got under my skin the other day because I can't help but choke on the hypocrisy. I heard on the news a few days ago, and have been debating writing this article since, that Toronto, I believe, is locked in a debate about a certain proposal. This proposal ladies and gents is for a 'black exclusive' school; one that caters exclusively to black students.

It's interesting to note that the idea cut a pretty crisp line; there are those that think the idea is great and will really help black students, and then there's my school of thought... it's blatantly racist. Think of the protests we'd have if a 'white exclusive' school were opened. The black community would be outraged.

Once again I find myself falling back on 'Equalism' for I believe that there shouldn't be *any* special schools that cater to one difference or another. One of the suggestions for the school was that it would be able to focus on black history, it's hard to describe my feelings on this one. The first thought that comes to mind is; 'Why not have all schools touch on black history', this thought is promptly followed by; 'What about other minority groups?'

It's right up there with gay pride parades in my opinion. Why aren't there 'Straight Pride' parades? We could walk the streets with our boyfriends and girlfriends, respectively, just being over-the-top straight. We should have a month of the year dedicated to every ethnicity's history. Why not?

On that note can anybody tell me what happened to the Ottoman empire? They were huge before world war one... then they did nothing... then after the war they were gone. I know our, Canadian, history textbooks said nothing about it, and I'm curious. A friend and I have drawn up a bunch of crazy conspiracies about it, but I'd love to know what actually happened.

One last thought, what's with; 'Happy Holidays'? Why does everybody take offence to 'Merry Christmas'? Before I get the lecture, I know not everybody follows Christianity, hell I'm one of the people Christianity tends to bug, but why take offence to somebody wishing you good will? Just respond with; 'Aye, and Happy Hanukkah!' I think being politically correct is getting rediculous and people are starting to believe they have a right to not be offended. Why not just recognize that the person couldn't possibly know your religion by glancing at you and so they went with the general assumption but they still mean well?

Why have I fallen into the trap of talking about winter holidays in November anyway? People are *really* rushing 'Non-denominational Winter Holiday' this year...

Take it easy all,


Anonymous said...

On the whole seperate schools issue, I think its all a little pointless. I attended a Catholic high school for a year and met more athiests, and people practicing other religions while i was there, than i did at the good ole public school. The only reason that these kids were at a catholic high school wast the same reason i was there, The had more funding so a wider selection of classes. I don't agree with any seperate schools. If anything have a catholic club at a public school, and offer religon courses. I think the same would be good for the whole black issue. it is 2007, why cann't we all just get along?

As for the ottomen Empire, I have touched on it in one of my history classes and on the build up to ww1 it was having troubles. The rest of europe couldn't afford to have another empire fall apart, so bigger countries held it up with loans and such. Not significant amounts, but enough to help. If the Empire had fallen appart on the lead up to ww1 all of europe would have scrambled for a peice of its land, and it just would have caused more fighting, but when the war broke out, no one had time to help the ottomens out so it kind of colapsed and sorted itself out. (This is what i got out of the lecture, so it could be a little off because my prof. is a little nuts.)


Wraith said...

Thanks a *tonne* for clearing that up Britt... it's been bugging me for like three years now and I've been too lazy to look it up. Appreciate it ^^

Anonymous said...

Ust to fix the end of my last comment, The ottomen empire struggled to keep itself a float during ww1 and joined Germany simply because germany offered them a few battle ships at a reasonable price. The war took a pretty hefty tole on the ottomans and they collapsed. Turky was the only country that formed itself and England, and france carved up the rest into modern day middle east. They didn't take any account as to who lived where, and simply choped the middle east into essentially what it is today, causing most if not all of the problems the middle east is experencing now.

I looked into it a bit for you. :)
